Saturday, July 08, 2006


PAINTING AVAILABLE. LA CALAVERA ART EXHIBITION HOSTED BY: IMAGENES ART STUDIO "MISSING IN AUCTION" OPENS JULY 14, 2006 7PM TO 9PM RECEPTION JULY 14 - 16 PASEO PLAZA RUBEN TORREZ ( 802 ) ACROSS HEB ON PAREDES LINE AND 802 BROWNSVILLE TEXAS PARTICIPATING ARTIST: TONI HUDSON AND OTHER ARTIST OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY GABRIEL TREVINO "NOT PARTICPATING" DUE TO WORK STILL IN PROGRESS. I have recently been working at home on a series of paintings. I had wanted somewhat to participate the series at the Missing in Auction Exhibition but I was not satisfied with the paintings as fully finished. I will work on them some more the rest of July. I would like to mention that lately I have had doubts of exhibiting again in the same venues I did last year. I almost want to just paint the rest of the year and see what comes out of it. I feel that I have lost sight of what is important to me which is simply just painting as I did before 2005, before I started exhibiting in art shows. Lately I have produce to meet deadlines and try to be at every Brownsville Art Show. Another thing that I have thought about is a one man show. A body of work carefully studied and produced to a higher standard. An accomplisment difficult to acheive but rewarding in every aspect. I want to deliver greatness in every painting I do. I want every viewer to feel like he or she is in the presence of something unique and impessive. I have started wanting to do so many things so fast . Before I new it I was saying well now if I only do half the things I say I am gonna do. I feel I have burnt out an unwanted thing. I speak from the heart on this one. I want to succeed as a great artist and nothing less.

1 comment:

Window Cleaning Arlington said...

Great reading this