Saturday, April 22, 2006


TITLE: CONFUSION : Salud, compadre . Let us drink. The whales are barking in a disordely fasion they almost seem to make sense. You keep talking about the problem with the cars and the motor. Forget the stars! I have yet to see one wish come true.. The city has too much pride, didn't you read the paper. How can you do this without affecting that. Its all a big set up by the haves to the have nots. It is a miracle mankind still exists. Not by the passion of life, greed or hopeless cowards of the big corporations in the glass, I feel disallusion. The price of gasoline will finish us all. Salud, compadre, let us drink some more.. The music is up on the rise. The cats are mewouing in discontent. When will they ever be content ? I lost my sense of well being. It is at the great degree of the anatomy of the reason and so on, I read the book. It is not about relegion or the political triumph. Pride of the lion in the hunt, thats what is all about. Cowards I tell you..........Cowards, price of gasoline , I am here to order a cheese sandwich and drink another beer........................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... TITLE : EARS UP AGAINST THE WALL : Lets hope they heard us this time while they press there ears up against the wall. It was ignorant to think we are obsolete. Thank you father , but I have no reget . Silence! It is when everything is silent we should be more afraid. The clock keeps time until it sets off the alarm. A morning of death awaits us all. Let us not hide our pride this time. The day of confusion is here........................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................... TITTLE: OCEAN : It is three am in the ocean. Underneath the shady tree. Overwelm by a sting of bee like an apple tree is born. The boat floats with a dream intention all above the sky a fish could see. The wind dancing with the clouds they fade away into existance. Crawling ants what will we eat today, the romantic time is near. A woman lays like a leaf in the upper deck of life and thoughts of the apple tree. It is four am in the ocean. The time for me has come.

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